Educational Trip-BITM


Griffins International School organized an educational trip to Birla Industrial and Technological Museum, Kolkata on 2nd February 2020. Students first visited the Science Gallery which was filled with innovative concepts & ideas. They were then taken to the Croma Studio, High Voltage Electricity Show, 3-D Show, Bubble Show, Coal Mine Show and last but not the least, the Fire-Y-Tale Show. All the shows were unique in their own ways. The students enjoyed a lot in watching these shows. Also, few students & teachers participated in the activities performed by the host of the show.
Students learnt many new things and got really excited to see the application of some simple concepts in real life! The host of the Science shows was Mr. Tarun Das, a well-known scientist with a good sense of humour. His name is recorded in the Limca’s Book of World Record for making the longest bubble of 26.9 feet! He mesmerised the young audience with his creative and mind blowing innovations.

The Coal Mine Show helped the students understand the use of and the difference between ancient & new machines used for mining of the coals.
It was an amazing day, full of fun and frolic!

Educational Trip